Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nancy's 50th

This quilt originally started as one big plain quilt using the material that is now being used for the strips. I thought that was boring and my good friend deserved more. So I decided to start making squares and this is how it is transpiring. One of the things I learned at Denyse Schmidt's quilt workshop was to look at things straight forward and farther back. I am used to putting them on the floor but this time I found a chunk of white flannel and tucked it under the rafter of my old basement and pretended I was in an old warehouse and I knew what I was doing. I bought some more greens to go with this quilt to give it some new dimension. I had just a little of the lighter green you can see on the bottom left. At first I did not like it but I think it will get lost when more squares are completed. Later today I am going to try and sneak into the taping of Oprah on Michigan avenue. Maybe she'll be giving away bolts of cool fabric! Wish me luck.

1 comment:

John and Regina Zdravich said...

I like the pale green -- gives it a muted effect. Be sure and post a photo of the finished product....