Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bright Hand Sewn Quilt

 I made this blanket to match my fun bright pillows.  It seemed as though everything became bright after the pillows and so this is what i came up with to compliment the room.  I hands stitched this together to add to the look.  This was a great way to get rid of scraps that began to accumulate. No matter what way I fold it or lie underneath it I love there way it looks.  It happy ups the room!

More lovely.

Close up.
A little closer now.
Another fold.
Love hanging on the bench!
Ahhhh Happy movement.
A little closer now.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Pillow Love

This is the happy owner of all the pillows.  I thinks she is happy.
The task was to take approximately fifteen pajamas, bathrobes and wedding dresses of my girlfriend's mother and make them into pillows. My friend's mother had just passed away about five months prior to this which makes it even worse.  These pajamas/bathrobes sat for about six months before I had the nerve to put my rotary cutter to them.  Ouch  These tasks become very heart felt and emotional for me.  It is extremely hard to rip a part someones most treasured possessions.  Their bath robes and pajamas.  My mother wore my brothers bath robe until it was almost shredded.  A yellow terry cloth robe I'll never forget.  I think it made her feel close to him.  He was the first born. I'm sure there was some very strong bond there I did not realize.
 I used what I could on some of these. The hem was used as the major source of fabric due to them being so old.  Why do we do this?

The first one was made out of the hem of a pair of pajamas. The second two were made out of a wedding dress.

This was made out of a bath robe.
This was made out of some pajamas.  I tired to reinforce them with a design.
A close up of the pillow that was used with them hem of the pajamas then reinforced with extra stitching.
This was a different wedding dress that need some design to perk it up.
This was a fancy out fit that I made into a pillow and used the stitching to reinforce it.
Home sweet home.