My "Cousin Ricky" (that is what we call him) has a son named Ryan who is marrying Nicole. YAE. For their wedding shower I decided to make them something I thought they would remember.Young couple been awhile since I've been there so I started looking around the kitchen and this is what I came up with .Aprons. You never buy one when are young. Only older people where those. Mmm. But they have made a come back with all the cool retro fabrics and all other cool fabrics. Then, I came up with my own pattern for aprons. I just took an apron and placed it some paper and outlined it. Simple to make. I made the back side out of fabric of it made of music note fabric. The groom to be is a big music head and I think he turned his wife to be into one too. I also had left over guitar fabric (he plays the guitar) it so I "re purposed it" (as Vern would say) I bought the floral because I thought it was cool and hip as this bride to be is. Then I had left over so I made them into pot holders. I placed everything in the tote bag and I went green for the shower. Ride on.
I put all of this stuff into the tote bag and made my own card. (Go green) Some of MY favorite things were the napkins from IKEA (I love that place) The spatulas were what they had registered for the knives were just cool colors so I had to buy them and the plastic bags were also some of my favorites from IKEA (I love that place) I also threw in the chip clips from IKEA (I love that place) because I love those too. This was really fun and special for me. I am planning on making a quilt for the wedding gift. Oooh la la
This is the picture they sent me the night of their shower. I think they like the aprons. I was just tickled to see this picture. Thanks happy couple you touched me. :)